One of the well-known American classic masterpieces is the novel The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald. No one managed to show the Jazz Age as vividly as this American writer did. The readers appreciate a symbolic picture of how the idea of American Dream has been developing and how it declined. This literary masterpiece is frequently taken as a subject of dissertations and it is so rich in motives and themes that it never seems to be researched to the very end. Students find it challenging to work on a discussion chapter of dissertation.

Thus, we have prepared a list of questions to those who have to discuss the main themes in their research for you to make use of them in your writing.

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  • Have you seen any adaptations of the novel The Great Gatsby? What is your opinion of them?
  • Are there any conflicts in the novel? Discuss them.
  • What are the types of conflicts in the novel? Are they moral, physical, emotional, or intellectual? Have they got resolutions?
  • What makes it challenging for Gatsby to leave the past relations behind?
  • What motivates Gatsby in his desire to make Daisy announce her previous love to her husband?
  • Are there any class issues revealed in the book? What is the main idea of the author about the issues of difference?
  • What is the role of alcohol used in The Great Gatsby?
  • How is the main character of Gatsby presented in the novel of Fitzgerald?
  • Discuss the symbols and themes of the novel.
  • What would you do if you were Daisy?
  • Why did Fitzgerald introduce the vacant eyes into the novel to monitor what the main characters do?
  • What made him change the name? Is the character fully developed? Does he appear to be faked? Are his feelings genuine?
  • Is the ending of the novel unexpected? Did the novel end the way you expected?
  • Is the role of the setting important? Would the novel be the same if the setting were different? Could the time be changed?
  • Are there any gender issues revealed in the novel The Great Gatsby? What is the role of women? Which of the relationships are important?
  • Is the novel controversial? What made the authorities ban it?

Studying Great Gatsby discussion questions by chapter will let you apply your critical thinking skills and take part in discussions really efficiently. You may make use of these questions as they are or make certain modifications to know well how to write a dissertation and develop the discussion chapter perfectly well.

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How Long Will You Work on Your Dissertation?

The majority of the PhD students need at least a year to complete only the first dissertation draft. About a year and a half or even more is needed to do in-depth research and review all the relevant literature. Writing a discussion chapter dissertation is also very time-consuming. Students complete their doctoral courses and work on the draft of the paper which is really meaningful for their future. For sure, the numbers and average time needed for writing differ among the students. Diligent and proactive ones may need less time for the work they do.

At the stage of dissertation writing, graduation requires a lot of effort and a certain number of hours for credits. Thus, even if you have completed a discussion chapter of dissertation in a month only, you will still need more credits for successful graduation.

When you have the main part of your research results done, the next step you should take is to use them in the discussion chapter. In other words, it is the high time to provide the discussion of the obtained results. Discussion chapter is another essential part of every dissertation or thesis. Here you need to put all your results into the context and give them the meaning. In fact, it becomes the main reason why a lot of students start feeling that they will not be able to handle such task.

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What is the aim of the discussion in the dissertation

  • It is written to interpret the information and provide the results explanation;
  • It provide a comparison of results and already existing studies conducted in the selected field;
  • It helps to highlight any existing limitations in the research;
  • It helps to estimate the importance of the study;
  • It helps to draw attention to areas or any questions for future research work.

What will readers see in the discussion chapter?

  • Whether the conducted research fits the writer’s original goals;
  • How these goals are confirmed in the dissertation;
  • How the writer provides an explanation of the acquired results;
  • Whether the conducted research is relevant to already existing research works and  theories;
  • Any areas that require improvement or any research limitations;
  • The importance of the conducted research work.

What kind of data should be included in the discussion chapter?

  • Summary of the main findings and results;
  • How the obtained results match writer’s initial goal;
  • The reconfirmation of initial goals;
  • The description of how the conducted research can be compared to already existing research and theories;
  • Clear explanation of any unexpected results;
  • Possible research limitations;
  • Recommendations for further research work.

What should be omitted in the discussion chapter?

  • Any information that has not been provided in the results chapter;
  • Less significant findings;
  • Results that are not related to or cannot confirm the hypothesis or your original goals;
  • In most cases, any tables or diagrams should be provided in the results chapter.

How should the information be structured?

There are many ways to structure the information:

  • You can address the goals and hypothesis in exactly the same order they are provided in the introduction part;
  • Start presenting the most significant results and findings with a clear comment on them. After that, less significant information can be presented.
  • Follow the first or the second section provided above
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Assistance with Writing a Dissertation Discussion Chapter

For sure, all the effort taken to work on the discussion chapter of dissertation is necessary to ensure that this section sounds convincing and interesting for the readers. This is a crucial part which has a purpose of making the academic community believe that what you have decided to research is important and makes sense for the science. It is not easy to make this PhD section right even for the most experienced writers. They also need to struggle in their effort to give all the ideas in a convincing manner and reveal all the hidden aspects of this work.

So, even the smartest PhD candidates may require help, working on the section of discussion. We offer you help from our professional writing service as we know how meaningful this dissertation is for you. We can ensure that our collaboration is fruitful whatever subject, specialization, and level of study you have. We will assist you in achieving your set goals.

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