Online Education and Case Studies

The purpose of an online case study is to teach students taking online courses to deal with real-life situations. Such pieces of writing impart facts and statistical data about a specific subject. They also include the first person narration supported by powerful arguments taken from authoritative sources. Finally, case studies describe a hypothetical situation that may happen in a day-to-day life. Case studies are very helpful in learning new material, as they provide detailed information about the covered topic. Still, it should be admitted that such papers are not as interactive as it may seem. These pieces of writing are usually built of very long and confusing blocks of text. Luckily, there are several ways of making an online case study engaging.

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  1. Construct a Branching Scenario

Case studies are perfectly suitable for branching scenarios, as they describe true to life decision-making processes. Whatever the solutions a posed problem may have, each of them will take you to a specific point and make you move in a particular direction. When working on a case study, students have a possibility of demonstrating the skills and knowledge they have gained while studying. Moreover, they can observe the way different obstacles lead to different consequences. For instance, if a case study shows that a group of people has not reached their target; students will consider various methods for achieving that goal before they choose the most suitable.

  1. Appeal to Peoples’ Emotions

The major flaw of case studies is that they are unemotional. It is necessary to say that it is a serious defect, as it does not let students fully immerse in the content. However, such a state of things can be changed if you create both an appealing text and stunning characters. People like reading the stories that provoke profound emotions. They can imagine themselves being the main character and see how the events unfold. In plain English, such an assignment does not imply only looking for a precise case study definition and collecting plain facts. It is an engaging process going through which students grasp the realities of life.

  1. Make Effective Online Presentations

Some students taking online classes require seeing how actually the case study works. For instance, it may be useful to watch the video guiding students through some events, etc. If it goes about presenting a historical case study, one may create a presentation providing background data about the discussed matter. Your presentation may include hot spots that can be clicked on to see more information about the matter under consideration. Online presentations help students not only make their projects interesting but also avoid mistakes when doing the subsequent projects.

  1. Turn Your Case Study into an Engaging Project

The majority of case studies just highlight a specific problem which online students have to solve. In order not to make your peers face such a challenge, give them a chance to examine the issue on their own. Set particular conditions for the issue your case study is focused on and let your online classmates participate in the described events. Then, motivate them to offer their solutions to the tackled problem. To achieve the best outcome, present true to life images and create special sound effects to imitate real world environment. Online students will feel themselves the participants of the discussed event.

  1. Create a Game Based on a Particular Story

It is obvious that games can engage everyone. Apart from being a great entertaining tool, they are also considered a good online means of arranging case studies. When dealing with such a case study format, students can earn points with each passed level. For example, the initial level of a game presents the online characters and describes the setting. The following level highlights the problem, which online students have to handle. Once the game is over, students can compare their approach to the matter and that highlighted in the case study. In this way, it is will be easier for them to identify their strong and weak points.

  1. Create an Online Educational Video Concentrated on Characters

You can either create an online character or refer to the one who represents your case study. Then, prepare an appealing online educational video with your character playing a leading role. Such videos make it easier and more convenient for online users to learn new material, as they can pause anytime to write down important data. Once everything is clear about a specific aspect, they can continue watching the video and study other facets of the investigated subject. The created character may tell users some stories based on the points relating to the discussed topic. Additionally, the character can pose some questions to make students ponder over the matter in question.

  1. Create an Impressive Info Graphic

Info graphics are considered a useful tool for producing case studies, as they visually demonstrate the chief points a case study is based on. In order to build a powerful info graphic conveying the essence and advantages of case study writing you are involved in, embed graphs, images, and diagrams. In addition, you may use timelines to show both current trends and significant events relating to online learning. Note that there is a large number of websites where you can take photos for your info graphic for free. The only thing you need to do is ensure that the chosen images are closely related to your research area. Finally, try to concentrate on a couple of points not to overload users with information.

We do not claim that case studies are the most suitable projects for different online courses. Still, if you do need to prepare such an academic work, you can make it superior and interactive by using diverse means. In this way, you will manage to interest your peers in the subject you are exploring and complete your course successfully.

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