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You cannot be considered a patriot of your country if you know little about its life, including its geographic features, political system, economy, traditions, and customs. Maybe this is the main reason why instructors at colleges and universities ask students to write various kinds of papers on different US government essay topics. One should surely know the structure of the administration of the country in which he or she lives. Still, the discussion is not limited to the state’s structure. There are numerous interesting topics that a student can choose for their paper about the USA.

To help you cope with your academic assignment, our expert writers have compiled a list of fresh and interesting topics related to the US government. Also, you can take advantage of our essay preparation tips and recommendations as to where and how you can buy an original American government essay or research paper of high quality.

Tips for writing a paper about the US government as well as topics provided in this article will serve as a good basis for you to create various projects on this topic. Remember that you will also need to consider the specific requirements that come along with a particular assignment. For instance, you will need to format your academic text properly. Thus, we recommend that you use websites such as Purdue writing lab to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the formatting style, indicated in your instructions. Your task is to make sure every single character is in its place on your reference page and in the body of the paper.

The following suggestions can provide numerous ideas for future writing tasks such as coursework, research papers, capstone projects, compare-and-contrast papers, and different types of essay papers. Look through the following US government essay topics in order to settle on the most suitable one.

  1. Pros and cons of representative democracy vs. direct democracy.
  2. What are your considerations on the following: The democratic decision-making process should comprise all fields of life, including governmental authorities, the system of education, workplaces, etc.
  3. Compare and contrast the District of Columbia statehood plans. Provide your explanations concerning how they can influence other US states.
  4. What was meant by Thomas Jefferson’s quote, “The tree of liberty should be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots?” Should this statement be applied to the current situation in the USA and other parts of the world?
  5. Compare and contrast conditions and mandates of aid concerning the federal relationship of the government with other US states. For instance, in what ways has the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) been delivering necessary support to the states that have faced different types of disasters and other issues?
  6. Should individual states have less or more authority than the federal government to enforce laws to legalize abortion, marijuana, or human cloning?
  7. Present the program that could engage more people to participate in future local or presidential elections within the country.
  1. What are the threats of gerrymandering whenever it concerns presidential elections or other types of voting?
  2. Compare and contrast the leading political parties in the USA. What policies, laws, or initiatives have they prepared for the elections in the future?
  3. Should big corporations and companies be treated as those who must be allowed to donate or support political elections? Consider the 2010 Citizens United vs. the FEC ruling on such an issue. Provide your opinion.
  4. Explain the leading roles of social media in engaging interest groups that have become stronger as the key political parties have become a bit weaker in the USA.
  5. Provide explanations as to why the media has been referred to as the fourth branch of government in every country. Support your position with vivid examples.
  6. Compare and contrast the campaigns of the US House of Representatives and Senate candidates.
  7. Should term limits be implemented for the members of the US Congress? Please indicate your position.
  8. Should the members of the US Congress keep to the will of those people who have elected them? Give your reasons.
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The following suggestions can provide numerous ideas for future writing tasks such as coursework, research papers, capstone projects, compare-and-contrast papers, and different types of essay papers. Look through the following US government essay topics in order to settle upon the most suitable one.

  1. Provide explanations as to how executive laws have been used by the presidents throughout US history. What is the role of the executive laws issued and implemented by the current US President?
  2. The Accountability of the US Government in the Mr. Padilla Case
  3. Should any educational establishment in the USA be required to obtain a warrant before commencing any search of the student’s property? Provide your point of view.
  4. Why has the Equal Rights Amendment failed? What kind of supportive campaign could be applied to have it accepted and put into practice?
  5. Provide explanations as to how the 14th Amendment has influenced civil liberties since the time of its implementation at the end of the Civil War in the USA.
  6. Which of the rights that are guaranteed by the First and Fourth Amendments do you consider the most significant? Please explain your point of view.
  1. Should media be considered the leading power and control in the USA?
  2. The success of the Democratic Ideas in the US Government and Congress.
  3. Comparison, analysis, and assessment of representative and direct democracy.
  4. The modifications or changes in the US Constitution that you would like to suggest and implement.
  5. Powers and responsibilities of individual states versus the federal government.
  6. Reasons to support and vote for the candidate who will not win the future presidential election.
  7. Key sources aimed at supporting political campaigns in the USA.
  8. What are your considerations concerning whether the federal government of the USA has too much, not enough, or just the needed amount of power? Provide your pieces of evidence.

The following suggestions can provide numerous ideas for future writing tasks such as coursework, research papers, capstone projects, compare-and-contrast papers, and different types of essay papers. Look through the following US government essay topics in order to settle upon the most suitable one.

  1. Members of the US Congress should follow the will of the voters who elected them.
  2. The use of executive privilege by different presidents throughout the history of the USA.
  3. The most powerful branch of the US government.
  4. The most significant rights guaranteed by the US First Amendment.
  5. Discuss the amount of control that the federal government should possess.
  6. The reasons not to rely on poll results during the elections of the president.
  7. What role does the US Government play in the economy of the country?
  8. What policies and laws does the USA have that affect the unequal wealth and income distribution?
  1. What roles does the US President have in the market economy of the country?
  2. What issues have the US Federal Government been facing for the last decades?
  3. The United States and its position in relation to fascist governments in the past.
  4. The US Government and its key principles of ruling the country.
  5. Discuss the US government and the Presidential system.
  6. What effect has religion had on the USA and its citizens?
  7. What role does the US President play in the economy of the country?
  8. What leverage does the United States of America have to support equality? How has the USA been contributing to equality? Dwell on the most significant values kept to by the US authorities and citizens.
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Tips for Paper Preparation

These are up-to-date, decent, and outstanding US government essay topics for any type of writing. However, a fascinating topic is not enough to compose a paper of supreme quality. Below are some practical tips that could help you in your paper preparation:

  • Conduct thorough research.
  • Once you have chosen your topic, you should carry out your research. It is essential to know the different nuances of the topic chosen if you would like to present proper and decent arguments, as well as find effective support.
  • Take into consideration your future readers.
  • You should always consider that some of your future readers could be well aware of the chosen topic. Meanwhile, the others may know little about the issue under discussion. Thus, make sure to explain some of the problematic terms. Avoid using too many abbreviations.
  • Proofread and edit your piece of writing.
  • Make sure to proofread and edit your piece of writing if you want to gain the highest grade or score. It is always a good idea to turn to professional writers and editors for help. Today, decent writing platforms offer proofreading, formatting, and editing services. Use them to make your American government research paper flawless.


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