Those people who enforce the law, ensure public safety and order. The law and the agencies that enforce it form the backbone of any modern society. Those ancient societies that failed to coin laws and elect people to make sure that the citizens obeyed the laws ceased to exist. Moreover, the modern technological and economic growth of our civilization would not be possible without the rule of law.

So, when studying at college, you shouldn’t be surprised if you are asked to write a law enforcement essay. It is important for every citizen of every state to know what law enforcement activity is. Of course, you should first familiarize yourself with the basic terminology related to this area, modern technologies, and the prospects for using modern technologies in law enforcement.

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On this page, you will find interesting law enforcement essay topics and useful tips on essay writing, provided by our leading custom writers.

How to Write Essays on Law Enforcement

Whether you study at a law school or any other college, you can be assigned to write a law enforcement essay. This assignment will help you to better understand the system of law enforcement agencies in your area, country, or other states. But first, you should learn about the overall process of creating such essays. There are two main types of such papers: the theoretically based essay and the problem-style one.

The former usually requires you to scrutinize and discuss a certain new law, or a specific case that is related to the existing legal principles and laws. You may be assigned to support one of the sides of the argument or highlight the wider social effects of the legal outcome. The latter type presupposes that you should give appropriate advice to a certain party using the results of your analysis of the given scenario. Thus, there will be the need to determine the legal issues and a law that is applicable in this case.

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1. Start Early

Do not postpone the work on your essay about law enforcement till it is too late. Start gathering the required information as soon as you receive the prompt. This way, you will not be stressed; you will have enough time to write, proofread, and polish your work to perfection.

2. Introductory part

This part of your paper should be concise and to the point. In this section, you need to demonstrate that you have understood the task, or the case assigned. You should give your paper an appropriate focus and present the order in which you are going to answer the question.

In general, you need to make sure the reader understands what the text is about and how you will lead them from the beginning to the end, finalizing the document with a logical conclusion.

Whatever theme out of the variety of law enforcement topics you choose to discuss, you should keep in mind the specifics of this type of essay. You are to inform your audience in your introduction. Do not try to intrigue the reader. Moreso, at the end of this section, you need to reveal the essence of the entire document; your thesis statement. Don’t think that this is some kind of an interesting story that should not contain any “spoilers” at the beginning.

3. The Body of the Document

Clearly, this is the part that presents your ideas and “findings.” All the main ideas you have produced at the preparation stage should be presented in these paragraphs. It is important for us to define what a paragraph is and what parts it consists of. First, the discussion in the paragraph should revolve around one idea, related to your thesis statement. This idea should be presented in the very first, topic sentence. Next, you are to provide evidence and your explanations. Use direct citations. Reference them correctly. Comment on them. Make conclusions that support your idea. Finally, you need to place a concluding or transitional sentence at the end of the paragraph.

Make sure your paragraphs are not too long. They should not be longer than 250-300 words. Every word should be used properly and justify its place in the paragraph. Every sentence must contribute to the discussion. Check if the statement helps the reader to better understand your idea, or if it just reiterates what has already been said.

Depending on the length of your law enforcement essay, you will have from 4 to 6 paragraphs. They will all have the same structure, but they will differ in terms of the central claims, evidence, and explanations you present to support your ideas. After the body of the document is written, you can proceed to create your conclusion.

4. Conclusion

In this part of the text, you are to:

  • Summarize the main claims and arguments;
  • Place your findings into the larger context;
  • Resist the temptation to present new ideas.

Surely, if you want to get the highest grades for your paper, you need to pay attention to the tiniest details. Your instructor is a highly educated professional. They will quickly detect even small inconsistencies. Proofreading and improving your essay, you will make your instructor’s life easier and surely get high grades for your masterpiece.

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What to Avoid in your Essay

Even before you start looking through the list of law enforcement research topics, you should learn about the common pitfalls and mistakes students make when writing such papers. Some of these issues can be avoided already in the preparation stage. So, here they are:

  • Students fail to establish an appropriate tone of writing. The essays are often written in a casual style. The academic style of writing does not allow the use of abbreviations and writing in the first person. Such phrases as “I don’t think” and “In my opinion” should not appear in your document.
  • Jargon, colloquialisms, and spoken words should not be used in academic texts. The same can be said about negative constructions. There should be no “don’t” and “isn’t” in your paper.
  • The use of elliptical sentences is not allowed. The sentences should be complete, and the paragraphs should be of appropriate length. Yes, your writing should be concise. But this doesn’t mean you can use bullet points and numbered lists. Complete sentences that are free from additional adjectives and emotional words will help you to present your ideas clearly. This is one of the main features of a quality essay.
  • Students forget to cite sources in the body of the paper and make mistakes while citing legal cases. In legal writing, it is important to cite the relevant laws while presenting your claims or explaining your point of view. And while using cases, like the assigned one, to support your position, you should cite them correctly. This is the mistake you can avoid even before the first few words of your essay are written. First, read the professor’s prompt to find out what citation style should be used in your paper. Next, make notes about every source that you plan to use and cite. Of course, you should consult manuals or resource centers like Purdue owl to learn the citation rules.
  • Meanwhile, there is no need to cite sources to simply make your essay look solid. Each citation should be used wisely and appropriately.
  • Do not forget to present all of the used sources on your reference page.
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List Of Topics on Law Enforcement

It is important to find a good essay topic on law enforcement so that the entire writing process is interesting for you. As a result, the paper will be interesting to your audience. The topic should inspire you for work. You should feel like you really want to present your position or opinion regarding the problem under discussion. The area of law enforcement is broad. So, one can always find the aspect that interests him or her most. Our writers have compiled a list of unique topics. You can make use of this prompt or come up with your own unique title. The main thing is that choosing a great topic will help you to write a brilliant essay.

  • Law enforcement: discuss its legal nature and historical aspects that contributed to it.
  • The controversy around the body-worn cameras. Is there a violation of the right to privacy? Make your claim and support your position with relevant evidence.
  • The reservists. Many policemen use their help. Should the standards for the appointment of these people be heightened?
  • Police Corruption: Present the problem and offer ways to address it. This vice remains one of the burning issues, distorting the work of law enforcement agencies in America and around the world.
  • Explain the notion of Police Authority? Note, that you should talk about the power vested in policemen, as well as the police as an institution to protect civilians and enforce the law.
  • Police interrogation: Discuss the challenges police face.
  • Gender equality: Discuss women’s right to get the job of a police officer.
  • Civil judicial forfeiture: the peculiarities of the procedure.
  • Fighting police cruelty: Ways to address the problem. Research the topic to find the reasons for this vice and the possible ways to eliminate the issue.
  • The Meaningless War: In western civilization the war on drugs has resulted in thousands of people being imprisoned for minor offenses. How can this problem be addressed?
  • Discuss the legal nature, and types of criminal punishments. Indicate the authorities in charge of setting the punishments.
  • Discuss the case of Richard Cabot. He was shot by a police officer in Pittsburgh. Discuss the prejudices that contribute to deadly encounters with officers.
  • Compare and analyze how crime is defined in civil and common law jurisdictions.
  • Large-scale surveillance. How do social networks contribute to the problem?
  • Ethical conduct of law enforcement agents: Discuss the legal aspects.
  • Police reform in Texas. Discuss how human resources are managed in Texas.
  • Peremptory Reason: Today, to enter private property without breaking the law, police officers should have a strong indication that some criminal activity is in progress. This decreases the effectiveness of officers’ work.
  • How to end police brutality. In the US, officers utilize “non-negotiable coercive force” to support public order and control the citizens.
  • Lie to Me: Discuss the lawfulness of the strategies police officers use to understand that a person is lying.
  • Police violence against African American males: Discuss the legal aspects of the problem.
  • Liability issues: Examine the problems of bringing to responsibility the police departments.
  • The vice of police violence in the community. Police departments are established to protect the citizens. Discuss the issue of hostility between the public and the police.
  • Police Violence: Discuss the police subterfuge phenomenon and link it to the cases of Joy Gardner, Mike Brown, and Eric Garner.
  • Police administration and human resource management: Discuss the overall structure, administrative processes, and behavior. Discuss officers’ exposure to stress.
  • The effectiveness of police work. Discuss the factors that influence the results of officers’ work.

It is always a good decision to discuss certain controversial topics in law enforcement as you will surely find enough information to support your point of view and create a strong argument. Still, if you do not have time to study the topic thoroughly, you can entrust this work to a professional custom writer. A specialist with a high academic degree, years of experience in custom writing, and high motivation to work properly will provide you with a brilliant law enforcement essay.

Essays on Law Enforcement from

Academic essay writing is an art and a science. To create a quality paper, one should have a profound knowledge of the topic, perfect critical thinking and writing skills, sufficient knowledge of formatting styles, and good command of academic writing. Moreover, if we are talking about writing essays on law enforcement, one should know how to cite the laws and cases properly. Not many students possess all these skills. Is there a way out? Surely. On a legitimate and reliable writing platform, every student can hire a professional who can cope with any academic writing task and craft a brilliant paper. is one of the leaders in this area. We work only with professional writers to ensure a high quality of each essay students order from us. Learn more about our guarantees and offers that every client who cooperates with us receives.

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