• Development Stages: Business Venture Issues
  • Entrepreneurship Environment
  • Social Aspects of Business Activity
  • Hi-Tech Entrepreneurship
  • Governmental Control and Support of Entrepreneurship
  • Female Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurial Sturdiness: Starting Afresh after another Business Failure
  • Business Startups and New SMEs: Developing a Strategy
  • Encouraging Individual and Public Liability by Companies and Their Staff
  • Poverty Eliminating as a Corporate Task
  • Workplace Emergency as one of the Management Essay Topics
  • Joint Responsibility in terms of the SCM
  • Initiative Groups Undertakings for Company Development
  • Cross-border Entrepreneurial Citizenship: Social Responsibility and Ethics on guard of the 21st Century
  • Overtime: Effect on Business Companies
  • Items Identifying the Success of Women Managers
  • The Future of HR Management: 2025 Outlook
  • Global Worldview
  • Management in the Underdeveloped Countries
  • Global Managing in the Age of Terrorism
  • Effective HRM Methods and Outsourcing to the Asia Pacific Region
  • Fairness at Work from the Point of View of People of Different Nationalities
  • Entrepreneurship in Asia
  • Language Barrier in International Corporations
  • Startup Sustainability in the 21 Century
  • Why Do Businesses Obey Environmental Legislation?
  • Businesses Dealing with Green Wall: Environmental Policy and Change Management
  • Eco-friendly Supply Chain Management
  • Fast-paced Business World: Crucial Decisions
  • Network Marketing Innovation Strategy
  • How to Make Data Interchange Systems Effective?
  • The Competitive Edge of Private Companies
  • How do Strategic Alliances Launch New Products and Services?
  • Prerequisites and Impact of the Merger Paradox
  • Changing Dynamics of India Outsourcing
  • Complex Approaches to Business Strategy Development
  • Culture-Related International Initiatives
  • Business Competition: Losses versus Gains
  • Imitation in Business
  • Popularization and Globalization of SCM in the Era of e-Commerce
  • Mass Production
  • Expanded Corporate Applications for the Supply-Chain Data Availability, Service Customization, and Price Improvement
  • Management Decisions on Business Outsourcing
  • Working Environment Solutions for the Present-Day Companies
  • Ethical Production
  • Restrictions on the Organizational Development
  • Global Ventures as an Innovative Organizational Model
  • Alternative Methods for the Companies with Poor Management
  • Organizational Safety
  • Modern Teamwork: Implementing Long-Term Perspective Changes
  • Joint Initiatives: Online Services for Product Customization
  • Management in the Global Companies
  • International Teams in Knowledge-Intensive Businesses
  • Conflict Resolution in Work Groups
  • HR Management Strategy in the 21st Century
  • The Era of New Economy: White-Collar Restart in the USS, Japan, and the UK
  • Freelance Century: An Innovative Means of Managing Human Resources
  • Market Competitiveness: Theories and Practices of Commercial Decision Making Strategies
  • Labor Market Flexibility
  • Employees Social Security
  • Career Development
  • Career Break as One of the Important Management Essay Topics
  • Insecurity of Mid- and Late Careers
  • Management in the Globalization Era
  • Cultural Groups Businesses
  • How do Middle-Aged Employees Stay Motivated?
  • Family-Oriented Companies to Work for
  • Staff Encouragement in 21st Century
  • Real Motivation in Public-Sector Companies
  • Why do People Lack Motivation to Attain Personal Goals?
  • Organizational Management Policy
  • How to Deal with Insubordination at Work
  • Organizational Madness: Causes and Detrimental Effects of Hostile Atmosphere in the Working Environment
  • New Ways to Establish and Encourage Team Communication
  • Cross-National Dialogue: Advice on Coordinating International Business Contacts
  • Professional Ethics
  • Leadership Strategy: Creating the 21st Century Leadership Role Model
  • Intellectual Leadership
  • Leadership in Global Organizations
  • Leadership Concepts in Terms of Management
  • Complex Approach to Leadership and Management
  • Job of an International Manager: Transcending Physical and Cultural Borders
  • Intellectual Management: Planning, Environment, Intellectual Framework, Working Group
  • Simplifying Online Business
  • Organizing Remote Work within an Organization: Learning to Cope with Possible Issues which Both Staff and the Company may Face
  • Controlling the Use of Internet at Work
  • Guaranteeing Information Protection by the Companies
  • Worldwide E-Trade Web Sites: Multilingual Difficulties
  • Dealing with Intangible Assets
  • Justify the Use of RFID Technology Software in Business Area
  • Present-Day Corporations in Need of Professional Agents to Introduce Changes
  • Corporate Development to Fit the Demands of the 21st Century
  • Business Development: How to Reach a New Level
  • Encouraging Creativity and Innovations in the 21st Century
  • Valuable Significance of Corporate Memory
  • Main Reasons of Organizational Failures
  • Supervising Creative Activity in the 21st Century
  • Hospitalization Procedure for the Emergency Situations Involving Mass Destruction Weapon
  • Management of Sports Organization: Ins and Outs
  • Coordinating the Activity of Charitable Organizations
  • State whether a specific firm is suitable for making investments.
  • Prepare a report investigating drastic changes taking place within a company, e.g. job cuts. Please report on the BBC managing its downsizing process.
  • Capability of making an analysis of the company framework and working conditions.
  • Successful Professional Growth. A postgraduate degree is an asset. Implement the SWOT-analysis in the development of the self-improvement plan.
  • Help prevents growth instead of encouraging it. Express your opinion on the statement.
  • Design the E-Marketing strategy for a particular enterprise (choose the company on your own) in the form of an e-commerce strategy. It should be focused on the key aspects of the company e-trading and its competitive edge on the market.
  • Analyze modern leadership studies and explain the practical value of those studies in establishing the connection between leadership and company transformation. Explain how the awareness of the theoretical aspects of the problem can help overcome the working environment resistance.
  • Analyze any company developing software by using respective theories and concepts.
  • Choose any kind of an international corporation and provide a review of its organizational framework. Take a certain problem confronting the company. Suggest an appropriate solution to the posed problem and explain the way it can be adopted in this case. Put forward compelling arguments to support your point of view.
  • Select a successful and a less successful company and compare their management strategies.
  • Inspect the community development project regarding the difference in the influence produced on both stakeholders and their networks.
  • Make a critical assessment of the key items relating to professional development at work. Your piece of writing has to be comprehensible and consistent. Your statements are to be supported with respective theories and facts.
  • Make a detailed analysis of the management model created by David Ulrich in relation to business partnership.
  • Thoroughly examine the development mode the companies follow offered by Larry Greiner. Analyze the pros and cons of the suggested mode in comparison with that applied by American companies.
  • Present the major issues modern corporations face in the present unstable environment.
  • Highlight the differences and similarities between the industrial relations in Great Britain and Australia.
  • Make a critical evaluation of the aforementioned statement in terms of the international human resource management.
  • Analyze political and industrial factors that influence economic fluctuations in Britain. Then, provide persuasive arguments to explain whether the number of trade unions in Great Britain are likely to increase or decrease in the following five years.
  • Make a thorough inspection of two different airlines in the context of a psychological contract. Highlight the difficulties the managers of the chosen companies encounter when trying to both fulfill the conditions of the said contract and boost the company productivity.
  • Explain how different phases of the life cycle of goods can impact the amount of profits a company can earn.
  • Select an enterprise and explain how its management philosophy affects its business activity.
  • State what measures can be taken to shorten the life cycle of goods.
  • Refer to theoretical and practical studies to explain how leadership affects the changes in a particular organization.
  • Due to current economic crisis, corporations are developing new methods of optimization. Explain how these methods can help manage the remote staff.
  • Within the period between 80s and early 90s, the manufacturing management in Great Britain increased productivity. However, it failed to expand the output. Analyze the experience of the British in comparison with their chief competitor.
  • Write an essay about the way companies choose suppliers and build relationship with them.
  • The ERM (enterprise risk management) is now widely used by the financial establishments. It has been transformed into the corporate management guidance. Talk on the matter by referring to the research in the area.
  • Describe the way the companies use the PESTEL items to cope with challenges posed by the environment they are operating in.  Pick a specific corporation to support your response with examples.
  • Identify the extent to which consumer demand impacts the state sector policies concerning primary school selection procedure.
  • Assume you are working in the CEO department of a large oil and gas corporation that generates huge profits annually. Your task to stimulate the company growth to make it the leading one on the global market. Devise your own strategy that would help you achieve the desirable results.
  • How is it possible to improve the well-being of your team members? Note that your solutions to the problem have to be supported with powerful evidence, accurate data and research findings.
  • Human resource development is considered a valuable asset. Discuss this statement.
  • Determine the main drawbacks of the Mobile Gadgets Sector. Identify the major organizations within the sector and their competitors, and describe the way they cope with the identified issues.
  • Pick a particular problem relating to the marketing area and disclose its marketing and operational facets. Regardless of the chosen issue, make sure to determine how marketing and different operations affect it.
  • There are two companies. The first one uses up-to-date computer programs suitable for smartphones, tablets, and other modern gadgets that make the manufacturing process faster and more effective. The second company uses traditional technologies for producing dairy, for example. Explain why the mentioned companies use radically different strategies.
  • Women lack skills to be good managers. Discuss this opinion referring to the issue of gender in a company. NB: this subject is on the list of the most widely duscussed essay topics about management.
  • Can tourism business be successful in the future? Back up your answer with strong arguments and outline a few factors which you consider may influence the tourism business.
  • Compose an essay describing the relationship between four people of different nationalities working in one department.
  • Create a report presenting a detailed assessment of the management and operational information channels.
  • Write an analysis paper presenting the peculiarities and useful points of your research area in terms of personal and organizational development.
  • Explore whether the value management is pertinent to the property development. Produce a report performing a concise analysis of the mentioned issue.
  • Successful businesses can be characterized by the use of effective strategies and the ability to predict the steps that have to be taken in specific situations to achieve positive outcome. Explain how a clear culture within the corporation can ensure its business success.
  • Human Resource Management: changes in the practices and theories relating to the area. Your lectures can serve as a basis of your work.
  • Examine the main perspectives of the management strategies followed by the companies of a specific country (feel free to choose the country on your own).
  • Select an organization manufacturing bikes and assess its management concept. Outline the key points of your assessment in a report.
  • Prepare a report performing an in-depth analysis of one of the facets of the performance management. Your report should also provide information about the researchers investigating the mentioned issue. Additionally, your piece of writing should include a summary highlighting the main points of the financial performance of companies.
  • Create a report illustrating the main features of the change management and leadership.
  • The necessity of introducing changes in the company management policy.
  • Can the improvements in the quality of products result in the increased amount of sales and high profits? Provide examples to prove that your statements are credible.
  • An expanding market is an essential prerequisite for achieving increased productivity. Do you agree with this statement?
  • Leaders should be powerful and possess a set of skills and abilities to manage different processes efficiently. State whether you agree or disagree with the claim. Why? Put forward concrete facts and solid evidence to make your answer reasonable.
  • The production and distribution of cars. What trade concepts and theories can help people understand the peculiarities of the process?
  • Create a piece of writing in a form of a report making the analysis of the issues you have faced when working in a specific company.
  • Examine the items that impact the decisions of human resource managers.
  • Use respective theories to find out whether leadership affects workers’ motivation in the selected corporation. State what modifications the company should introduce in the corporate culture to avoid failure.
  • Choose an educational establishment and analyze it in terms of the stakeholder mapping model. What can your analysis tell readers about the interests and authority of different stakeholders?
  • Business management in the aviation area.
  • The effects of the oil disaster on the ocean inhabitants.
  • Pick any troublesome case relating to your work place. Employ the respective scientific methods and techniques to make a detailed analysis of the case.
  • Select one of the management-related practices discussed in classes and make its thorough analysis.
  • Monopolists on the market. What to expect?
  • Make a thorough evaluation of your own abilities, skills, and needs.
  • Should a multinational enterprise operate as a unique business system or should it let its subsidiaries work as independent entities? What variant is more effective?
  • Capacity restrictions and physical design of airports. What can they result in?
  • Critically analyze customers’ needs and demands, and devise a scheme that will help local organizations implement the most effective methods and strategies with the purpose of meeting those needs and demands.
  • Make a thorough evaluation of the methods used by the management of Apple.
  • Analyze the nature of medicine calculation errors made by nurses.
  • Sustainability in the aviation industry: a dream or reality? Support your response with strong reasoning.
  • Highlight the specifics of the connection between the laws on safety and health. What are the major steps to achieving success in the health and safety industry?
  • What skills and qualifications should a manager of the company operating in the shipbuilding industry have?
  • The growth of airports in the USA. Discuss the matter by citing clear examples.
  • Describe the mechanism the teams use to achieve the best results while fulfilling the imposed tasks. Refer to leadership and explain how it can stimulate high team efficiency.
  • Explain how institutional and structural items in France and Great Britain may influence the company performance.
  • The connection between the goods life cycles and profits.
  • Management as an essential link in business operations.


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