What is the relationship between stress and health in the workplace?

The relation between stress and health in the workplace has unending upward trend, thereby affecting the overall performance of workers in a given position. When a person is mentally ill, they will not be able to work effectively as expected by the management. There are many causes of workplace stress that happens in various companies. Stress can be defined by its physiological and physical effects on an individual. Mental health is imperative to the physical performance of a person. Extended working hours, poor working environment, and poor relationships between workers and their seniors are some of the causes of workplace stress (Hersen & Thomas, 2002).


Identify a situation in which you experienced stress in the workplace or provide a fictional example.


In the workplace, I have seen situations where a co-worker is unable to carry out the duties well because of mental stress. One worker would not perform her tasks in that I had to carry out her duties for the work to be done. She became mentally exhausted because of continued stress over a long period.

List ways to reduce stress in the workplace from the situation or example you provided.

The best way to reduce stress is to slow down when one has worked hard for long. In case of trouble with the seniors, it is good to address the issue with the senior manager on what could be troubling. This should be done skillfully to avoid making the situation worse (Hersen & Thomas, 2002).

How do social-support systems modify stressors on an individual?

According to Hersen and Thomas (2002), social support systems are significant in modifying stressors in an individual. These systems may include a person whom one trusts. A person that one can depend upon for emotional support may include a family member, associate, co-worker, and one’s health-care giver. When an individual has dependable social support, there is a positive maintenance of mental health, which improves physical activity in the workplace. An individual can deal with challenges positively when they come and, in the process, reduce the likelihood of developing stress.   

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