
David Brooks wrote the book One Nation, Slightly Divisible. This was his first major work that explained the differences that prevailed between the self-important, elitist Blue States and the honest, hardy, respectable Red States. Brooks in his work refers to the small town in the Middle America as Red America and upscale urban America as Blue America. It is for a reason that after the America presidential election night, maps showed the areas as either in Red or Blue colors. He explains why these differences are significant to the sense of unifying the American national identity.


Brooks analyzes and explains the divide in America that occurred because of the political fallout experienced in 2000 presidential election when Bush and Gore were the aspirants. He explains the situation using an experience that involved two communities which were Franklin, Pennsylvania and Montgomery County, Maryland. Franklin is primarily Red, whereas Montgomery is primarily Blue.

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Brooks analyzes the distinct lifestyles that the Montgomery and Franklin people are living in despite being in the same country and state. He explains that the Franklin County is totally different part of the world if to compare with the Montgomery County. Thus, Blue America is found to be incredibly modern, independent and sophisticated, whereas Red America is seen to live and depend on simple things that constitute to life, humble and small close community.

In his analysis, David explains his work using a particular phenomenon that seem to center around either Blue or Red America. Large and postmodern cities form the Blue American territory while poor rural areas such as small villages and farms constitute of Red America. Brooks asserts that the use of motorized vehicles and existence of a greater amount of churches are used and seen in Red America. However, in Blue America there are Thai restaurants, National Public Radio and more technological companies and industries.

The work by Brooks also reveals to us how the children from both the Red and Blue America were educated as a part of the differences between the areas. Brook shows a statistical data that displays the academic success advantage of children in Blue Montgomery County. He went ahead to reveal the much greater average scores in SAT in schools found in Blue America as compared to the low average scores in Red America. In his work, Brook is showing how the educational and academic levels relate to the average income of a household and terms it as direct proportional.

Brook’s evidence on the differences, according to him relates to the race since he is comparing the people against themselves. He says that the total minorities is only found to be about five percent of Franklin County, and about forty percent of Montgomery County comes from the minority; therefore, this shows that the minority voters strongly support the democratic political campaigns in America. As a part of his opinion, he cautions that the Red America minorities seem to be more conservative on certain critical issues as compare to their counterparts Blue Americans.

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After all this relevant listing of differences between and amongst Blue and Red America, Brook tells us about his thought procedures to whether the evidence suggests a solid divide among these people. Specifically, he considers the political and social harmony that prevailed after the September 11, 2001 attacks from the enemy’s terrorist attack. After this, unity and patriotism reigned for quite some time, however, the response in America leaned militarily, and results were Blue America pulling away. The author suggests that the population of the United States and every individual has an obligation to chose what side or group they want to join and at what particular period of time. This was shown during the September 11. 2001 attacks relief efforts an instance when America was a strong solid nation, but when the times of military strategy came, every group, Blue and Red America went to separate ways. Brooks in his work shows that when tragedy strikes America, all differences amongst Americans are set aside, and most of them are willing to offer help to their fellow citizens.

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The author, David Brooks came to the conclusion that the behavior shown by the America was less analytical to an irrevocable divide among various people and was more of representation of each American’s right to believe in whatever they wished to. He suggests that the political environment in America will continue to vary as American’s standards progress with evolution.

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