Our writing process

Writing process at PrimeEssay.org includes a few basic steps and their consecutive fulfillment allows us to achieve the best results – selection of the topic, development of thesis statement, creation of the outline, conducting a research, making a draft of the essay, editing it and making source references. Check the list below to know how we work on your order:

You get 300 words per page when ordering with us in comparison to 275 words/page provided by most of other custom writing companies.

Topic Choice

Being given a written assignment you get a question you have to answer or a thought you are to develop. But there are also cases when topic selection is on you, and has to be relevant to your course. Ordering your custom paper at PrimeEssay.org you do not have to worry about that. If you have any problems choosing your topic or do not know which one is the most appropriate, our experts will help you choose the one that will be your mean of expressing yourself, sharing your ideas and demonstrating your potential. 

Thesis Statement

Second step of our essay writing process is thesis statement writing. This short sentence is a basis of your research. The whole writing process will be based on this thought, expressed as a statement or as a question. PrimeEssay.org’s writing professionals will make sure that the thesis statement they develop is competent, deep and catching. If your order will consist of more than 10 pages then we will provide background information in the introductory part.


Outline development is one of the essential stages of every research paper writing process. Generally speaking, outline is a list of basic ideas placed in a logical manner. Why do you need an outline? Well, working on some difficult researches, such as coursework, thesis or dissertation you will need a plan that will help you organize your ideas and sequence them structurally. This option is also available at PrimeEssay.org – strict, logical, well-organized outline of the experienced academic writers!


The most important stage of any paper writing process is research. It requires a lot of time, attention and energy. Searching for the relevant literature, going to the libraries and book shops, reading articles, journals and magazines requires enormous diligence and hard work. But due to our writing services you do not have to spend all your free time doing this! Order your custom paper at PrimeEssay.org and forget about endless hours in front of the monitor or a book. We will do everything for you – solid research, excellent writing and perfect formatting! All the sources will be cited properly and all the plagiarism will stay away from your paper!

Control the Writing Process at PrimeEssay.org!

Except of top quality writing services at PrimeEssay.org you also get a possibility to track your order and to control the process. You will get an email notification if an order was successfully placed and completed by the writer. In addition, you will be able to provide answers to writers’ questions regarding order details or vice versa via our inside message system.

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