The treatment of violence against women has dominated numerous debates, which focus on domestic violence that men perpetrate against women. While treating FMPIV perpetrators, there are several problems that may be experienced. One of the principal problems in treating perpetrators of FMIPV includes drug abuse and misuse. Drug abuse poses a main problem while treating domestic violence since the perpetrators of violence may refuse to cooperate with the practitioners. In addition, the treatment of FMIPV perpetrators may also be suffering from some mental disorders, which may make it complicated to treat them. For example, a mental disorder may have an impact on the treatment interventions since it may limit the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. Another major problem with the treatment of FMIPV encompasses issues to do with follow up. It is extremely complicated to conduct follow up and ascertain whether the perpetrator of violence follows the intervention strategies, which the therapist proposed (Barnett, et. al., 2011).

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The other problem with the treatment of FMIPV perpetrators emanates from the fact that there is co-occurrence of violence against both men and women. Violence against women takes place in the context of violence against men. As such, apart from the violence perpetrated against women, violence may also be perpetrated against men. In this regard, there is no universality of interventions, which can be employed in treating both male and female perpetrators. Some interventions applicable to the treatment of male offenders may not be applicable when treating female offenders. Problems may also emanate from the resistance to treatment approaches, which may be proposed by the practitioner. For instance, male offenders may refuse to implement the intervention strategies proposed by therapists based on the argument that these strategies are not effective. This means that the treatment of the perpetrators becomes a complicated affair (McClennen, 2010).

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