The article in The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses the two parenting styles and the impact these styles have on attachment in children. The two parenting styles discussed in this journal include attachment parenting and babywise parenting. Attachment parenting refers to a parenting style that plays a crucial role in promoting children who can be regarded as securely attached. Babywise parenting is associated with detachment, irritability, as well as behavioral disorders. In attachment parenting, the child develops feelings of empathy, trust, as well as affection towards other people. The goal of attachment parenting is to ensure that the child creates a peaceful and secure relationship, which will be based on endurance. Attachment parenting requires that the child receives love from the caregiver. This style of parenting implies that a child should get the necessary care from parents who play the role of primary caregivers (Hotelling, 2004).

Babywise parenting is based on the belief that parents can introduce a routine in the lives of their children and learn them to stick to the routine for the rest of their lives. In babywise parenting, the emotional, physical and nutritional needs of the children can be met through Parent-Directed Feeding. This form of parenting may be threatened by dangers such as child-centered parenting, as well as the inability to understand the relationship that exists between the wife and the husband.

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Attachment parenting focuses on responsiveness to the needs of the children. This means parents have to respond to the emotional needs of their children.  Parents can accomplish it through responding to the various signals and cues of the child. This form of parenting focuses on responding to behaviors such as crying. With regard to this parenting style, parents should spend adequate time with their children and listen to the desires of the children (Hotelling, 2004).

Babywise parenting tends to have some activities that should be done several times in the course of the day. This style of parenting encompasses conditioning children for activities such as waking up and sleeping, as well as feeding.

Parenting styles have an impact on child attachment in a number of ways. Attachment parenting results to close attachment of the child to the parents. Children brought up under this style of parenting are more attached to their parents than children raised under babywise parenting.  In attachment parenting, parents believe that they should be close to their children as opposed to being separated from their children. In babywise, there is little emphasis on close parent-child relationships. This means that attachment to the parent is based on the relationship between the parent and the child. Children brought up with attachment parenting may develop attachment disorders. This is because they become overly close to their parents. As a result of this parenting style, children may develop delinquent behavior because of the excess attention they receive from their parents (Hotelling, 2004).

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