Part One


The colors of the sunset results from the phenomenon called scattering. Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere often change the direction of light rays during the sunset, causing them to scatter. Scattering affects human eyes with several lights coming from the sky and there are more blue and violet rays. Many people may not be in a position to see violet rays of sunset but in reality if one looks very keenly it is possible to see them. However, blue color dominates during the sunset despite the presence of both blue and violet rays. The goal of this essay is to observe sunset and describe observations based on the change of colors. Personal thoughts and what is observed will prevail in the essay, but there will be also some explanations of the observations related to psychology.


As I observed the sky during sunset, I noticed that scattering affected the color of lights and particles were not stable. As I expected blue and purple colors as usual, a prolonged view did not provide the two colors and at some point I could see rainbow colors from a distance. When observing the sky, the eyes will also see the clouds and moving particles in forms of clouds. The colors of the clouds are, however, white and dark depending on the weather. I suggest that the colors in the sky during sunset exist because of the distance between the atmosphere, the sun and the earth. It may be impossible to have a colorless sky because the world would be boring, and nobody would observe the sky. The particles seen may consist of dust, and they move in an attractive manner that would make someone watch the sky.. It is possible to state that the colors reflect dust in the sky. However, all observations that can be made during sunset still make one think about scattering. Blue and violet colors observed in the sky during sunset appear in an uneven manner. Colors that appear during sunset scatter endlessly creating a beautiful scene. In fact, one may observe sunset more often as compared to sunrise because sunset rays are mild.


A person cannot control his/her eyes and cannot stop seeing other objects in the sky and chose to see colors only. It is important that these colors are produced and held by some other objects. In other words, colors of the sky, no matter how much observed they are, do not exist alone in the sky. Moreover, blue and violet rays that appear to be scattering are not the only colors that exist during sunset. There may be also other things in the sky, like the moon, that make the colors change. I believe that the angle at which a person observes the sky also matter a lot, influencing the colors that become visible.

Also, when the sun shines indirectly onto the surface of the earth, blue color does not appear because at times scattering occurs more frequently thus making blue color disappears. Sunset and sunrise may appear to be same, but they are different if studied well. In fact, sunset is easier to observe because the rays are going away from the eye thus are friendly unlike sunrise where rays are coming towards the eye. The sun in the evening appears to be yellowish unlike when it is white during the day, scorching the eyes and skin. During sunset, it is hard to see clouds as colors become more evident. It is important to note that orange is often observed during sunset but from a far distance. In fact, orange and yellow colors appear on the side of the sun and this could be the reason as to why I have never observed such colors like orange and yellow. I think it is because the sky is blue and that is why I set my mind to seeing sunset blue. There is also a saying “as blue as the sky”. That is why when observing sunset I saw mostly blue color.

Psychological Knowledge in Explaining the Change of Color during Sunset

In psychology, the observations made can be well described and related to factors and concepts that explain sunset better. It might be true that green color can be seen during sunset, but sincerely I observed only blue color. There is a saying that “the eye only sees what it wants to see” and this is true. Besides, the perception of sky being blue dominated my mind, and I just could see the blue sky instead of other colors like green. The air also looked so hazy that there was no green ray that reached my eyes, but this is a psychological perspective that determines what a person sees. According to many visual observations of sunset green color is predominant as compared to yellow and orange ones. Sunset then apparently appears to be blue just as the sky.

The cardinal color space consists of two axes: chromatic and achromatic. Movements in the color planes that are described by chromatic axes often change the color of stimulus but not movement and luminance of the colors. Achromatic axes changes the brightness of such stimulus and the color involved does not change often. The psychophysically defined axes correspond to the mechanisms of color sensitivity. These mechanisms determine our ability to detect both luminance and chromatic stimuli. This explains why when observing sunset of the only colors I saw were blue and violet.

Part Two

Exhibits in the Kaleidoscopic Turn

The works at the center gave an impression of clarity, uniqueness and attractiveness. The works are placed in an environment that shows everything that one would want to see, and that is why the actions are explicit. The knowledge of how the place was made clear is limited but it could be because of lights and proper aeration. The buildings are huge but light can pass through thus there is clarity and people can be seen to be moving in and out. Proper aeration and lighting contribute to my spatial configuration. The environment around the two buildings is also bright, and there are no obstacles to proper lightning. The absence of objects that may act as obstacles make the view clear making it possible for a person to access the place both physically and visually. Clarity also comes with lights that are self composed.

Building materials used are transparent and, thus, more appealing to the eye. A viewer or anybody, who wants to study the buildings, will not need to strain to see or identify the works. The materials themselves help people whether near or far identify the two works. Based on sensory applications for clarity, the works reflect that the external world is bright including the internal one. The outside always reflects the inside although it may not be seen in many cases. One building is open and clearly indicates that its outside is same as its inside. The other closed building that even looks like two buildings is bright but it is hard to say whether it’s bright inside too. It can only be assumed that the inside is also clear just like the outside.

The works look unique and are made using different colors. It is easy to sense the surroundings of the works because they are unique and do not resemble other conventional buildings. It is always expected for big buildings to have surroundings because most probably they belong to urban centers that are congested. Sensibly, it is good to explore biogenesis, composition, distribution and structures. The uniqueness that makes it different from other structures highlights how the works can be used to provide insights that make difference. There is also no fence around the buildings like in case with other conventional buildings.

Wall exhibits are attractive, and they are made both of ancient and modern materials. Historical perspectives could have encouraged the use of particular materials for building walls. The combination of ancient materials with modern ones makes the building beautiful and different from the others. Visual systems require things that attract people`s attention. Interestingly, the exposure to what is good and bad is what makes the works attractive. Some walls are light and others are dark; in this way attractive lights are created.

The first exercise involved observation of sunset, which was a lovely activity. Sunset brought beautiful colors, but the most observable ones were blue and violet colors. It is important to note that these colors are not the only ones that appear during sunset, but I could see only these two colors. It is also good to know that sunset rays appear as if they are disappearing away from the viewer. For the second activity, the kaleidoscope showed two buildings that were very smart according to me. These structures are built in an area that is not congested. It is also good to notice that the buildings symbolize wealth because they look expensive. One work with a closed door looks even more expressive according to me. Standard reasoning would function that the rich are often unexposed, and that is why the doors of the building are closed.

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