a. The needs, wants, and/or demands the Sea Ray are attempting to fill

Sea Ray has distinguished itself as a market leader in building luxury boats for its target customers. In their effort to fulfil the human need for thrilling relaxation experience, the company manufactures luxury boats for customers who would want to enjoy the ride in the sea with ease and comfort they wouldn’t get anywhere. The physical need is the thrilling experience of having fun with comfort that Sea Ray would want their customers to enjoy. The human state of mind is that one may feel a sense of deprivation in the form of physical and social needs, especially working whole week without the slightest break. Sea Ray boats offer a combination of comfort, speed and convenient fun. The needs of the individuals for these luxurious machines are supported by the buying power of the people, subsequently leading to demand.

b. The company’s market offers

The needs and wants of the consumers can only be fulfilled by product and service offers in the market. Sea Ray offers a wide range of products, services, and information on experiences one would get by purchasing any of their products. The company offers about 16 models of sport boats, 12 sport cruisers, five sport yachts, and five yachts, with various degrees of performance to fit every individual market needs and demands. The aesthetic nature of the products backed by latest technology to enhance performance is what defines the Sea Ray’s market offers. They also offer services that help customers maintain the regular contact for any support on repair or remodelling to fit individual needs and experiences. The company offers its products and services through its suppliers in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The customers  can place a small search query on the company’s to get the nearest dealer of the Sea Ray products. Every product specifications are also available on the website.

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c. The company’s relationships with their customers

The relationship between Sea Ray and its customers can be described as mutual. One of the core missions of the company is to ensure their customers experience superior satisfaction with everything and everyone associated with the company. For instance, the company highlights that they ensure their customers get satisfaction with their products, and maintain a good relationship with their suppliers, dealers, and employees for the mutual benefit of the customers. This is why they work to build a partnership attitude with their suppliers and dealers in order to understand the market demand. Moreover, the market development strategies involve partnership with the dealers to understand the market demands and improve dealership. This involves exchanging of ideas and market intelligence from the dealers, which helps in building and delivering superior customer value and experience.  

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d. The company’s markets

Sea Ray has adopted the concept of market in order to build relationship and acquire the potential needs of the customers. The company builds customer relationship in order to develop a profitable venture. This is why the company has developed numerous unique products to satisfy individual market needs. The company emphasizes on building of market needs through the identification of actual and potential buyers of their products and services. It thus involves engaging in activities such as identifying the needs of the potential customers, designing market offerings, creating value through communication, distribution and value pricing.

Although the company has not fully ventured into the international market, they are willing to face their competitors in the international market. They are using their superior quality and the promise of excellent experience to build a market niche for the potential and existing customers both locally and internationally.

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