GlaxoSmithKline refers to as a multinational of British pharmaceutical, vaccines, biology and customer healthcare firm whose headquarters are in the Brent ford in London. In the year 2014, the company was announced to be the sixth world`s largest pharmaceutical firm. It was formed in the year 2000. The formation was done by the merger of SmithKline and Glaxo Wellcome. The company manufactures vaccines and drugs for various diseases as in cancer, asthma, infections, mental health conditions and diabetes. Several medicines were originally developed or manufactured at the company, and the moments are currently being sold as generics. The vaccines and drugs earned the company much money in 2013. It also sells oral healthcare, drinks and nutritional products and other medicines like Horlicks, Boost and sensodyne. In the year 2012, GlaxoSmithKline was guilty to the criminal offence of promoting some drugs of unapproved utilization and failure to give safety data. The firm paid much money in order to settle the charges. The firm announced that it would continue to pay fees specifically for the doctors for activities it claims to be crucial to getting information into certain diseases, together with doing firm`s clinical trials that are sponsored. It also claims to be doing market research and scientific advisory.

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Some of the unethical issues in the company are evident in that when allegations are show that the doctors from the company are given some money as an illegal payment in order to enhance the promotion of certain drugs in the market. The asthma drugs called seretide that are manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, when the doctors recommend on the drugs for their clients to use, they give the specifications of the drugs. The company displays the unethical acts when it tries to cover the allegations of bribery in that, when reports reached the public about giving out kickbacks to the doctors. The company says that it has disciplined one of the works for the unethical act. It company knew about the illegal activities it carried out but it tried ironically to pretend it was against the activities of bribery. The company acted unethically when it said that it was cooperating with investigations on the actions of the assumed employee. The statement was made to make the public to have the wrong perception about the company. They pretended to cooperate with the investigations that they are aware of what was going wrong. The violation of the UK bribery act is an unethical practice.

A violation of any law as a company is an evidence of a violation of ethics. Illegal facilitation of marketing their drugs using the doctor’s recommendation to the patients then organizing for kickbacks is against the ethics. It is evident when the former representative of sales says that they take it as an equation of give and take. They give money; they receive prescriptions, and if they fail to give money they do not get the prescriptions of drugs. Mr. Wisniewski provides evidence. The records of information about transactions between the doctors and the company displayed wrong interpretation. The act of unethical practices is shown when the payments were done to signify educational services whereas they were bribes given to the doctors. Ethics of companies do not give way to such malpractices. The doctors knew that they were expected to give out a given amount of prescriptions in return. The investigations that were done, they were unable to find evidence due to the camouflaging of the evidence. The description of the bribe was camouflaged to patient education. Deliberate change of information to create a confusing scenario is unethical and against the law. For a single lecture, the company gave a doctor some money.

The doctor admitted that he received the money. It is a concrete evidence of unethical activities in the company. The firm gave pressure on the doctors to receive bribes. It is against the ethics for any company to force or persuade anyone to receive favors in order to facilitate an illegal act. It is a clear proof that, the company knew the where about of the transactions going on and it tries to shift the blame to a single doctor. It is unethical to deny facts. When the unethical activities started cropping –up, the company ought to have designed ways of diagnosing itself and solve the problem. They did not diagnose because they had prior knowledge of the unethical activity. The company admitted having promoted two drugs whose uses were unapproved. The unethical act displayed when they pleaded guilty that they did not give-out safety information to drug and food administration about diabetes drug.

The reason behind choosing the topic of ethics is that, it gives proper guidelines that keep good interpersonal relationships amongst people working in the same environment. Ethics is essential. They enhance asset protection. Adhering to the ethics of the workplace set in relation to the assets of a certain company, it creates the safety of the properties. Ethics facilitates the act of teamwork within an organization. It takes place when the integration of the values of the business and the values of the employees. That interaction provides the contact of the management and the subordinates thus are enabling team working. The involvement of the employees into the implementation gives the workers with morale thus increasing the productivity. Ethics in an organization improves public image. Since it looks at the behavior of the workers in and outside the organization, when the guidelines are followed to the latter, the picture of the organization is enhanced to the outside environment. Ethics facilitates the decision making culture of an organization to follow the ethic rule. It ensures that there are no conflicts in making the final judgments of important decisions.

Ethics is the concept of recommending and defending right actions and wrong actions or conduct. It mainly addresses the issues of morals and the best way of living and the rights and wrongs in a given circumstance. The unethical behaviors in managements include embezzlement of funds of the organization through personal gain and entertainments. Some managers practice unethical behavior by taking advantage of their situation and the position in ranking in the organization and deliberately squander money belonging to the company. The fact that they are given a superior position for instance to head the finance department, they knowingly misuse the rank to the disadvantage of the firm. They organize for payments of allowances inappropriately. Management may offer themselves benefits and allowances that never exist. That is an evidence of unethical behavior. As a management, they are expected to be the ring leaders showing the rest of the personnel the right channels to follow in adhering to the ethics of the organization. The unethical sexual harassment done by the management to the employee should not happen. It happens especially to the new workers. In some situations, the new employees are given condition to getting a job. The behavior of engaging into sexual immorality with the employer is prone in the management. It is unethical in that; it goes against the morals and the employer ought to check on the merits not on who is going to satisfy his sexual needs.

The act of reducing the salaries of employees without the consent of the workers is evident in the administration of various organizations. Management sometimes tries to control the salaries of the workers without notifying them and providing a chance for them to choose and weigh the situation. The behavior of overcharging of services in order for them to be left with the excess of the money is common in most organization. The payments of contracts made for the organization, some of the management in particular companies liaise with the contractor to provide them with some ratio of the whole value of the project. It is unethical in that they are supposed to charge the right amount of money and safeguard the cost structure of the organization. The people responsible for recruiting more people in the organization, they commit the unethical act by asking for bribes from the ones who need to qualify for the job. It has become like norm to most of the organizations. Before the recruitment, money is provided to the management. Money is given during auditing. It happens when the auditor balances the equations deliberately wrongly. It facilitates confusion thus making the auditor in collaboration with the other parties involved earning some illegal funds from the process of auditing. Unequal treatment of some employees working at the same level and the same environment, the management sometimes treats the more beautiful or handsome people with special gestures as compared to others. All the employees should never be judged according to their looks but rather according to the work done.

Bribery is a behavior of providing funds or giving gift that alters or changes the behavior of the person receiving recipient. The GlaxoSmithKline Company gave bribes to the doctors so that it can alter the thinking of the doctors thus facilitating prescriptions of medicines. It is the giving, providing, receiving of any item of a certain value with the aim of influencing the actions of other parties in charge of a certain situation. The doctors were in charge of patients because they had direct contact with them. Due to the trust the patients have as far as doctors are concerned, the company took advantage of that and decided to bribe the doctors to sell more of their products through prescribing the drugs more to the patients. It is a gift given to influence the conduct of the recipient. Though persuasion, one of the doctors was given money as a gift that changed his mind, and he even confirms that he is only human so prone to temptation.

Bribery can be dealt with by taking stern measures on the culprits. The people caught in the act of bribery, should be fined ten times the amount of bribery. The hefty charges are to make the ones practicing the same, to shy away in fear of the charges. The issues of bribery ought to be dealt with from the authorities downwards. It will ensure that the superiors in the organization be on the forefront in instilling ethics in their various departments. The employment of spies to find out bribery issues in an organization. It will keep away the people interested in the unethical behavior. The approach of educating the people involved on the dangers accompanied with bribery. Proper education is essential in order to make sure that no ignorance is involved in the act. The management ought to organize for seminars and meetings tailor made to change the behavior of the employees. Bribery can be controlled through influencing the behavior of other personnel prone to the receiving bribe. It can be done through communication amongst the workmates. The perception of the talk ought to be made to show the disadvantages of the unethical behavior of bribing.

The framework of conception of behavior is founded on various theories of association and set role of analysis. The three proportions of duty-set configuration utilized to forecast unethical and ethical acts are; relative authority; the theory defines that; the people in the organization follow the footsteps of the authorities who are practicing the unethical behaviors. To deal with ethics, formation of strict rules ought to be done by the relevant authorities dictating the consequences of bribing. The penalties ought to be unbearable in order to make the leaders shy away from the unlawful act. The Organizational location; It explains how people get into unethical behavior because of the location. When the environment of the organization is conducive for the unethical behavior, it is likely to influence the others who do not practice bribery. The theory of other people’s behaviors and beliefs as understood by the focal person. The wrong understanding of bribery as it is given by the ring leader of a certain organization. The focal person chances of participating in the unethical behavior it can be predicated.

The benefits of a company being ethical are; it gives proper guidelines that keep good interpersonal relationships amongst people working in the same environment. They enhance asset protection. Adhering to the ethics of the workplace set in relation to the assets of a certain company, it creates the safety of the properties. Ethics facilitates the act of teamwork within an organization. It takes place when the integration of the values of the business and the values of the employees. That interaction provides the contact of the management and the subordinates are thus enabling team working. The involvement of the employees into the implementation gives the workers with morale thus increasing the productivity. Ethics in an organization improves public image. Since it looks at the behavior of the workers in and outside the organization, when the guidelines are followed to the latter, the picture of the organization is enhanced to the outside environment. Ethics facilitates the decision making culture of an organization to follow the ethic rule. It makes easy to keep away from legal problems.

The limitations of the company being ethical are; it is costly to develop and implement and further maintain a program that is compliant in the organization. The resources required as in the cost of paying people to draft the ethics for the organization. The process of making the ethics is time consuming; it takes much of the time to relate other employees’ values with the values of the organization thus it requires some allocation of a special time. Most of the organizations do not give a chance for the subordinate staff to get involved in formations of the ethics. It leaves all decisions to be made by the top management in a given organization. The normal workers never get a chance to participate in making what they will be practicing.

Discussions about the article of the news, the GlaxoSmithKline Company had some allegations against the management. It used to give bribes to doctors in order to give prescription of their drugs. The company denied the allegations and explained it was one of the employees, and they were taking care of the issue. The unethical issues in the company are; when allegations are show that the doctors from the company are given some money as an illegal payment in order to enhance the promotion of certain drugs in the market. The asthma drugs called seretide that are manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, when the doctors recommend on the drugs for their clients to use, they give the specifications of the drugs. The violation of the UK bribery act is an unethical practice. It is evident when the former representative of sales says that they take it as an equation of give and take. The act of unethical practices is shown when the payments were done to signify educational services whereas they were bribes given to the doctors. The description of the bribe was camouflaged to patient education.The relative authority theory in relation to the article in the news; it is a scenario where the management spearheads the unethical actions in the organization. The theory of other people’s behaviours and beliefs as understood by the focal person. These two theories display the activities in the GlaxoSmithKline Company.

To minimize the behavior of bribery in an organization, the people caught in the act of bribery. Hefty charges should be made to the people bribing to curb the situation. Bribery investigations ought to start with the authorities downwards. The juniors will take it more serious. Spies should be used to check on the bribery issues. It will make people avoid the practice. The people ought to be educated on the demerits of bribery.

Ethics; no payment of items in terms of cash, no taking any equipment from the organization without permission, sales will only be done by the selected salesmen, no talking of vague language in the offices, no holding private meetings with the suppliers.

In conclusion, ethics should be adhered to in an organization because they greatly contribute to the future of the organization. A company that does not follow the ethics it has set, it is like the whole body without the eyes.
Recommendations: the ethics formed in an organization must be perceived with much seriousness by everybody in the company no matter the appointment. Ethics ought to be reviewed after every financial year due to the changing times globally.

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