Congress of racial equality is an organization that was formed in the United States in the year 1942. It was formed in Chicago by a group of people that consisted of whites and African Americans. Whites were more in this organization. The membership to this organization was open to all people who were willing to aim at supporting equality among all races all over the world. The organization was a civil right movement that aimed at fighting for the rights of all people regardless of their race. The members believed that all races are equal and their work was to persuade all races to accept each other and avoid discrimination. The organization was however to use non violent tactics to fight for equal treatment of people regardless of their race. After its formation, the members were to carry out campaigns that aimed at teaching people that all races are equal and hence there is no need for segregation.

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The Congress of Racial Equality had a great mission of ensuring that people were not discriminated on the basis of religion, race, sex, age, and creed. The movement wanted to ensure that people were able to control themselves socially, economically, and politically. The movement believed that if people had political, economic, and social freedom, then other rights would be easily achieved. The movement was to accomplish its mission by making sure that it disclosed any acts of discrimination in both public and private sectors that were on basis of sex, age, disability, race, religion, and creed.

The organization was formed due to segregation that existed in United States. There was public segregation of people in the work places, in the public and in education sector. The organization aimed at ensuring that all races had equal rights to education. In the employment sector, the organization wanted to ensure that all traces had equal chances of accessing employment and promotions. It also aimed at encouraging all races to participate in politics equally. This means that all races would have equal chances of being elected and had the rights to vote.

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National association for the advancement of colored people and southern Christian leadership conference were some other civil rights movements that were present at the same time with The Congress of Racial Equality. These organizations had common aims in that they wanted to fight for the rights of black Americans. When the two organizations started their activities, they gained a lot of support from the public. They had more membership and this made them more influential. They however worked together with The Congress of Racial Equality to achieve their objectives. Even though they had much achievement, they affected The Congress of Racial Equality negatively because they became more famous and powerful. They were more recognized than The Congress of Racial Equality. The popularity of and influence of The Congress of Racial Equality was greatly reduced by national association for the advancement of colored people and southern Christian leadership conference. However, it cannot be said that the congress of racial equality failed in its operations because the two organizations actually boosted its efforts and made more achievements.

The two organizations (national association for the advancement of colored people and southern Christian leadership conference) aided the activities of the congress of racial equality in that they carried out greater campaigns to fight against racial segregation. They negotiated for rights of the black people and this is why the blacks were allowed to vote and run for political seats. The activities of the two organizations facilitated greater participation of minority races in political affairs in United States.

The two organizations were also able to construct many schools whereby African Americans would access their education. It is in these schools that African Americans learnt of their rights. With education, African Americans were able to fight for their rights better.

The two organizations made it possible for African Americans to move to all parts of United States when they wished. Before, blacks were not allowed to move to some states. From these observations, national association for the advancement of colored people and southern Christian leadership conference helped achieve the objectives that the congress of racial equality aimed at achieving.

Certain people played greatest role in the activities of the congress of racial equality. These people included Roy Innes, James farmer, Floyd, martin Luther, Bayard Rustin, George Houser, homer Jack, James Robinson, Wilfred Usury and Rosa Parks. There were only two blacks in the organization during its formation. These people played a role in organizing the organization. They also organized campaigns with an aim of achieving their objectives. They also played the role of encouraging people to join the organization. They did this by telling people why the organization was important to them.

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The Congress of Racial Equality had certain major objective that it aimed at achieving. It wanted more African Americans to access education. This was achieved in that many schools were constructed that absorbed many African Americans. Secondly, the organization wanted to ensure that African Americans would access employment opportunities like other races. This was also achieved because many Negros got jobs in the United States due to the movement. Participation of African Americans in political affairs was another major aim. Due to the movement, many Negros were registered as voters. Laws were passed to give everybody the right to vote in various states. They for the first time influenced political activities in United States. It is due to the movement that Africa Americans became acceptable to the public in United States. In criminal activities, the black Americans were never discriminated as before. It can therefore be argued that the movement made great achievement due to their activities.

All these achievements were made through conducting of public campaigns. The campaigns made more people to join the organization. When people joined the movement, the government and the congress in particular saw the need of acting. It is in response to this that laws were passed by the congress in favor of the demands of the organization. When other similar movements aroused with similar objectives like those of The Congress of Racial Equality, the movement was motivated. This is regardless of the fact that these movements became even more famous than The Congress of Racial Equality.

Like any other organization, CORE has some failures. Its failures can be attributed to black power. This means that the organization started supporting any activity and organization that was run by a black. It greatly supported the schools that were meant for the blacks. The organization started engaging in political affairs by supporting certain politicians in return for money. When it supported certain organization to achieve a certain objective, it received financial benefits. The leadership in CORE was a major cause of failure of the organization. The movement seemed to support the social, political, and economic activities of the blacks. It will be noted that the organization had many whites and its major aims were not to help the blacks alone. This direction of the movement caused conflicts in the leadership system hence making its operations difficult. People supported other movements instead of CORE due to these weaknesses. It aimed at seeking equality among all races but it did not seem to encourage this.

Core is therefore an organization that has been of great importance to the minority groups in United States. Since its formation, it achieved many of its objectives. It however faced some challenges in its leadership system and this was the cause of its failure. The emergence of other movements was the reason for the decline in its fame.

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