A career assessment refers to a tool which is used to give directions on the jobs available in line with an individual’s abilities and interests. For one to explore job opportunities, it is crucial to consider personal interests, strengths, values, and family or cultural values  that might influence the decision making process ( CareerBuilder, n.d. ). In most cases, people have a career counselor to help them explore career assessment process. Counselors may want to know about personal interest and experiences before giving technical advice on career choice. Rather than the counselors and textbooks, there are a couple of online sources that may help an individual make a career decision. The main online resources used in career assessment process are skills, interests, and personality or a combination of the three.  The paper will focus on personality assessment and career interests inventories as tools for career assessment process.

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One of the career interest inventories is the career builder network which helps one to find jobs, get advice and resource on career choice, and create personal profile in this website. This type of inventory is of great importance since it is possible to obtain much information on the same inventory (CareerBuilder, n.d.). On the other hand, personality test site is one of the personality assessment tools used to test birth compatibility. This tool evaluates personal information based on personal working style, communication and preference (Compatibility test, n.d.). This tool is valuable because it helps an individual to evaluate his ability to operate in a particular setting.

Both the career builder network and the personality test site enable one to compare personal interest to those people working in different occupations. In addition, the two -assessment tools enable one to identify academic majors and occupations of interest. Therefore, these tools are very importance since they influence own future career.

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