Day vs. Night Studying

The Most Effective Time of Studying


As there are so many different ways to study, so there different times to study. Many students are wondering when is the best time to study and if there is any correlation between the time you choose to study and the amount of work you will be able to pool. We have found no scientific data to prove that time of the day is better, so it is mostly about what time works best for you. To be objective, we decide to list benefits of both day and night study as well as some helpful advice on both.

Benefits of the day studying

Students, who work better during the daytime, shall be focusing more on the daytime as their best time to study due to the following factors:

  • daylight keeps you awake;
  • your brain is ready to accept information, as you’ve had a break (while sleeping)
  • chance to study with your fellow students or your study group
  • easy access to libraries and other educational establishments (such as a lab)
  • you can visit your professor during their office hours

Benefits of studying at night

There is a certain percentage of students, who tend to work and study better in the evening or late at night. This is can be beneficial in many ways:

  • quiet and peaceful environment, as most of the errands, are finished during the daytime;
  • fewer distractions (even with email and social media);
  • a great time for creative thinking and dealing with innovative tasks.
  • better learning: it is proven that during the night your brain is more alerted that during the day, so you can cope with difficult tasks easier;
  • sleeping after studying can help you recover faster.

When is the best time to study according to science?

Considering several studies all around the world, the brain usually works best in the morning, after a good sleep and nutritional breakfast, however, we need to understand there is no certain timeframe for ‘morning’. Some people are capable of running their errands and studying since 7.30 a.m. while others have to wait till 11 a.m. to be able to operate. 

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Successful Daytime Studying Recommendations

No matter whether you are a morning person, or a late night owl, if you set yourself for a study session during the day, please remember some ground rules:

  1. Limit your distractions. You will be often disrupted by notifications from your social media or people buzzing around. Mute the sound and get good headphones.
  2. Get caffeinated only if you need it. Many people have a habit of sipping a coffee at all the times doing any reading. Use your coffee as an emergency tool only.
  3. Get a place with less distraction factor. Despite the myth, the coffee shop is not the best place to study. Look for the quiet place with a big table (so you could lay down your books and notes).

Useful Tips for Night Studying

There are tons of ongoing discussions of whether late night study is good or bad with no definite result so far. If you are going to pull an all-nighter, there are several things you have to remember and be careful about:

  1. Have regular breaks. Chop down the time you study and give yourself regular 5-minute breaks. This will help both your mind and your eyes have a much-needed rest
  2. Lit things up. Have a good lightening helps you focus and not fall asleep on the first possible occasion. This will also help you maintain your eyes’ health.
  3. Manage your time. It is so easy to lose track of time, so make sure you set regular alerts on your phone (use Timer or apps like Flat Tomato (time management) to help you out.
  4. Stay hydrated. One of the reasons you may feel sleepy is a dehydration. Provide regular water intake to get you through the night.
  5. Have enough sleep during the daytime. If you are a night owl, make sure you have time to rest/sleep during the day.


Best time to study is what suits you best. Take time to watch yourself and establish your perfect routine. No matter what time of the day you choose to study, make it healthy and reasonable so you could actually survive until your graduation. 


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